Thursday, August 19, 2010


My winter hibernation is at an end.  My garden is the scene of total neglect with weeds and things that desperately need pruning and yet all the things I love about it soldier on to reward me, even if I deserve much less.

Actually I should rename the blog Kurrajong Sewing Room because that's what's been happening these last few months.  My sister and I have been working on a quilt for our older sister's 60th birthday, which was yesterday.

As well as that, I have had a cupboard clean-out which resulted in my making 35 pincushions from charm squares of fabric which were anything but charming - I haven't got a photo of them all, will post one soon.

 I finished piecing a quilt top made entirely of 2 inch half square triangles done with jelly rolls and Thangles - once begun, it quickly became known as the 'Thangle your way out of this, woman' quilt -

 I have had a super weekend away on our annual Stitch n Bitch with my sister, my daughter-in-law-to-be and a bunch of super ladies who have become dear quilting friends -

I came back from that weekend all inspired to sewing the sort of interesting things that these girls make, and from the jelly roll scraps left over from the Thangle quilt and some handles bought years ago at the Craft Fair, I created myself a bag -

And I'm about to start a new quilt in conjunction with my sister-in-law to celebrate the wedding of her son, my nephew, who is getting married in Tasmania in November.  It will be very similar to the birthday quilt above, but in completely different colours.

In the meantime, August is upon us and with it comes the winds - I'm sure it is nature's way of blowing winter away.  Trouble is it's blowing everything else away as well - I'm constantly recovering the dogs' bed from anywhere in the back yard and returning it to the verandah.  Today I will give my sore stitching fingers a rest and go pull out some weeds and prune some roses.  The new leaves are coming out quickly, even early blooms are appearing - here's DA Graham Thomas and its clear yellow flowers - can you spot the stick insect?

 So off out into the wind I go, hmm, wait, maybe a cup of coffee would be good first . . . .

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