Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday again! Again!

We have house guests.  An old friend of Mike has recently sold his business in Queensland and he and his wife packed up their stuff, hitched the caravan to the car and set off on a grey nomad trip.  Not that they are particularly grey.

They arrived here on Friday and have now travelled up to Little Hartley in the Blue Mountains to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.  And left their 2 little dogs here for a couple of days.  Welcome to Kurrajong Doggie Day Care!

This is Chloe, a sweet, quiet, TINY girl, 7 years old, cross Papillon/mini Fox Terrier.

I think she is missing her human mummy quite a lot.

This is Buddy.

He is a 3 year old Jack Russell/mini Fox Terrier cross.  He has total ADHD.  He is a tightly wound spring on 4 legs.

How come I'm outside?!

This morning, I took all my doggie companions down to the olive trees and picked the olives from one of the trees.  Well, some of the olives from one of the trees.  I left the ones up high and the ones that didn't look real choice.  Even so, I got a jug full -

which are now packed in sea salt, according to the recipe of the Italian mother of a neighbour of ours.

They have to stay in the salt for about a week, then you soak them in water for about a week, presumably to get the salt out!  I can't wait to try them.

In the meantime, the other 3 olive trees still have their olives on them.  They must be a different variety, because their olives are all still green.  I could be picking olives for some time yet!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Juliet, just popped through to look to look at your blog after you left a comment on mine. I was really surprised as I'm very new to blogging. It's early morning here and I'll be getting ready to go to work shortly, but I wanted to day hello and that your little house guests look lovely :-)
