My very first Kurrajong Geranium Johnson's Blue! I'm in absolute gardener's heaven! I so wish I had a snazzy camera with a big zooming-in lens instead of a little flat pocket size digital. Then I could capture close-up the beauty of this little flower, the gorgeous colour, the wonderful contrast between the petal colour and the colour of the veins, it is truly delightful.
Long may it bloom in my garden! If it feels the need to spread and multiply, I will be even more happy.
Thank you, Johnson, whoever you are, for making me one very happy gardener today!

And thank you, David Austin, for something as lovely as a little rose bush called Anne Boleyn which was only planted on 15th September 2009 (I know that 'cos my Coca Cola label says so!) and which is happily blooming near the front steps, despite being chewed by the green caterpillars.
On Remembrance Day 2009, I'm a very thankful person for the little things that give me huge happiness. And Happy Birthday to my brother, who thinks we're great for having a special day just for him!
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